I've seen friends have to pay much more than that for books for one semester. It's extortion! This is where real world education comes into play. Students have to apply their economic creativity to drop the book prices to as low as possible. I can say I have done that for two semesters and have actually netted a small profit after reselling online. Never buy your books in a college bookstore unless they will match online prices if you can provide proof. Shop online for books. Shop early! If you buy books when everyone else is shopping then you will pay a higher price. If possible, check out the book editions. It's cheaper to use an earlier edition that may just have had a few new pages added. Check your college library. I was actually surprised when I did find some books available there. If your class is using ordinary classic subjects like english lit' or classics, it's very easy to find full text of plenty of works online for zero cost output. If your prof' is only going to use a portion of a text, don't buy the entire book, just borrow or copy it. If these scheming lowballing "educators" want to continue to price gouge students let them understand that you're up to playing their dirty game by reintroducing some healthy economic competition back into the college book buying process.
I paid 400 for one class my first semester at the 4 year university. Buy online much cheaper
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What's the most you ever spent on college text books?The semester took nothing but web programming and design classes, I spent almost $800.
I started out paying $500-$600 per semesterfor books. I then found out that you can getyour book on ebay and amazon for much cheaper. I usually buy my books used online on those wensites and then sell them at the end of the semester on the same websites and get 80-100% of what I paid for them back.What's the most you ever spent on college text books?
$300, so far. It's going to be more this semester.
When I couldn't shop used online or buy direct from a fellow Business student, about $325. Fortunately, FAFSA or the college gave a semester book allowance...whew!!!
I definitely would recommend that you visit Half.com because they sell used textbooks for very good prices. One semester I had 3 classes but only spent a total of $150.00 on three books because I purchased the books from Half.com, you will need the ISBN number though, which you should not have a problem obtaining.
almost $ 2000 for one academic year....our school is weird, instead of semesters we have terms and because of my program school is all year round!
oh and they made us buy a $600 program too
I remember my first year buying textbooks. I was only allowed $100 for books out of the HOPE Scholarship then anything after that I had to pay out of pocket. My chemistry book I had to have cost $112! And that was the first book I bought! I had to buy 4 more books for that semester. I was sooooo mad! My parents had to shell out the rest of the money for me. I can't remember how much it was but I was mad cause I went thru my book allowance with one book!
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