Saturday, February 18, 2012

When Should I Get Or Order My College Text Books?

My Classes Begin August 31 or Septemeber 1st one of those, im going to be a freshmen so forgive the lack of knowledge, when am i supposed to have my text books by, now or does the professer tell me when/what to get, and how do i know what to get?When Should I Get Or Order My College Text Books?
The first two answerers gave some good advice but I will just add a bit more. You don't always need your syllabus to know which books to buy (depends on your college and how organized your campus bookstore is). Often you can go to the bookstore and the shelves are marked with the course number and instructors name and also if the book is required or recommended.

Many colleges now offer an online bookstore. There you can enter your course number/instructor and find the books.

After visiting the bookstore (in person or online) you may want to explore some sites for finding used textbooks online. Amazon sells used textbooks and I would imagine many other booksellers do as well.

Earlier is better, for the reasons already mentioned.... getting some reading and familiarity with the subjects and to avoid finding it out of stock.

Its not unusual for a prof to expect you to find their web site and online syllabus and already be familiar with the reading and assignments. It is very typical to receive reading assignments right off on the first day. Being prepared with intelligent questions on the subject that first day can help make a good first impression.

Have fun at your new job! (being a student)

p.s. You may want to explore your college library web site. Look for the catalog (database for finding books). There are sometimes copies of the text books available for short term use in the library.;node=46鈥?/a> Should I Get Or Order My College Text Books?
I would advise buying them as soon as possible. The rest of the year will need the same books and if you leave it too late there is a chance they may be out of stock. It would be easier to just get it out of the way and be ready for the new year.

Also, maybe you could then do some early reading and get ahead. This would take some of the pressure of you when you actually start the year. Just reading through them, maybe making some notes, would be really beneficial.

Obviously though, keep in mind, that most sites need at least a few working days for things to be delivered. So leave at the minimum a week.When Should I Get Or Order My College Text Books?
Best to hit the book store(s) as soon as you have the course syllabus. This is especially true for the more popular courses as sometimes not enough texts may have been on order. This could give you a head start. It also doesn't hurt, if you have the money, to purchase textbooks which have been used for the course in the past but are no longer on the list.

Sometimes you do not receive your syllabus until you attend a class. That's why it is important not to miss your first lecture.

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