and are great places to buy both used and new college textbooks. just make sure that your order them 2 weeks in advance of classes
Amazon and are good. Overall, good to compare. You can use a textbook comparison search engine like Textbook Genius to find where to buy, rent and sell textbooks at the best prices.
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Where is the best place to buy college text books?You can usually find used bookstores around most college campuses and they will most likely be the texts used at that particular institution, although you might want to check to see if there is a significant difference in editions.
Look for used books, make sure all the pages are there though.
I bought a quality management book when i was 17, just because it was $20, regular $149.99.Where is the best place to buy college text books? and now Barnes and has a huge textbook section with used textbooks from college buyback students.
online. or through facebook marketplace
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